UIKit with Combine, network access best practice

When working with UIKit and Combine to make requests and update data using GCD, there are several best practices to consider:

  1. Use Combine’s built-in support for concurrency: Combine provides several operators for managing concurrency, such as subscribe(on:) and receive(on:), which allow you to specify the scheduler on which a publisher should emit events and on which a subscriber should receive events. By using these operators, you can avoid having to manually manage threads and queues.
  2. Use DispatchQueue.main.async to update the UI: When updating the UI, it’s important to perform the update on the main thread to avoid issues such as UI flicker or unresponsive UI. You can use DispatchQueue.main.async to schedule UI updates on the main thread.
  3. Use background threads for network requests: Network requests can be time-consuming, so it’s important to perform them on a background thread to avoid blocking the UI. You can use DispatchQueue.global(qos:).async to perform network requests on a background thread.
  4. Avoid blocking the main thread: Blocking the main thread can lead to unresponsive UI and poor user experience. To avoid this, make sure that any long-running tasks, such as network requests or file I/O, are performed on a background thread.
  5. Use appropriate dispatch queues for different tasks: Different tasks may require different levels of concurrency or priority. For example, you may want to use a serial queue to perform database operations, or a concurrent queue to perform image processing. Use the appropriate dispatch queue for each task to ensure efficient and safe concurrency.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your app is responsive, efficient, and provides a good user experience.